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  • 2023-11-24
The reasons for skin aging
Author : AIDEVI.The aging process is a natural part of life, and as we age, our skin undergoes changes. However, there are also external factors that contribute to skin aging. Here are several reasons for skin aging:
  • 2023-11-24
Which group of person shoule take NMN ?
Author AIDEVI Kevin  NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is a molecule that is involved in the production of NAD+, which plays a key role in energy metabolism and cellular health. As we age, our NAD+ levels tend to decline, which is why NMN supplementation has become of interest to some people.
  • 2023-11-24
NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) is a molecule that plays an important role in cellular metabolism, energy production, and DNA repair. One of the ways that NMN may help repair damaged DNA is by serving as a precursor to a molecule called NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).
  • 2023-11-24
Balancing Mental Health: Navigating ADHD Medication Risks and Embracing Ergothioneine for Holistic Well-Being
The landscape of mental health treatment evolves with a recent JAMA Psychiatry study highlighting concerns about long-term ADHD medication use, linking it to an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease in both children and adults. While ADHD medication benefits are acknowledged, experts stress nuanced monitoring of cardiovascular health. This prompts exploration into holistic approaches, where ergothioneine, a natural antioxidant in fungi, emerges. Though seemingly unrelated, ergothioneine's oxidative stress-fighting properties make it a complementary avenue. As we navigate mental health complexities, this article delves into the study's findings, potential risks of long-term ADHD medication use, and how ergothioneine may offer a holistic mental health and wellness support.


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